Religious affiliation (or more appropriate/accurate wording) preventing you from joining The Nation of The Hydration in participation of the drinking of the water as you complete or fulfill tradition, ceremonies, or practices of the religion of which you affiliate?, 

then during those times you can answer those who may ask why you while still joined with The Nation of The Hydration are not participating in the drinking of the water with the answer of because you are on vacation because The Nation of The Hydration’s usual occupation of the drinking of the water can become more effective and efficiently done by including intermittent vacations as rest and play are components of effective and efficient work before you then instruct them to Drink The Water! and exclaim that The Hydration is still with me! and that we are The Nation of The Hydration even when some are on vacation from the occupation of the drinking of the water!,

We are The Nation of The Hydration!,





“Sacred Geometry”