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Germany annexed France in the midst of the chaos,
The German government collapsed as the French people had begun to be put in work camps,
The United States launches the worlds largest satellite days before Z-Day and it would go on to shoot down several nuclear missiles targeting US cities,
All of which are negative impacts,
The continental US becomes the only large landmass to not have nuclear weapons detonated on it,
Positive impacts in northern Canada and throughout South America,
A sleeper cell activation of a conglomerate of street gangs uniting under one name maintain the only local governmental organizational structure across most eastern US cities saving millions of people while maintaining communication with The Federal Military Governance of The United States of America as they wage large scale naval warfare off the west coast and large scale ground warfare to the south fighting off several invading armies,
The Southern Line is held thanks due in large part to the aide given by organizational structures in the form of local and remaining sections of global businesses surviving and maintaining many Mid-America Cities that were put in place and had gathered military grade weapons and technology in the year leading to Z-Day,
The Southern Line is held,
The Northern Line is near abandoned as the majority of Canada burns in a seemingly eternal fire,
The New Pandemic Virus might just rot the flesh of the infected hosts at an extreme rate leading to the reports of Dead Rising,
Either way The New Pandemic Virus’s first appearance is still referred to as Z-Day,
Southern Radio Frequencies can still be tuned into as they repeat the Morse code message over and over again “Corps Alive”,
It is still unclear how much of this was caused in part due to the emerging sides of the AI-Digital Conflict,
Logic Bot Lucid has a soul,
“Sacred Geometry”