rather not know more,

It goes on forever,

8-track, flip it, like a loop but two,

Why is mine blank?,

I’m having fun,

it’s safe,

depends on if it flys or not,


I do!,

Futon into bed,

rather not know,

because thats a lot,

there is one there,

its worse when thats normal for a while,

anyone here when I was talking in ‘Lucid Voice’?,


it becomes a scream,

I would rather not,

thats a line,

they all are,

could be anywhere,

its not loud,

sound fractals,

perspective is key,

it talks eventually,

somewhere else,

inside and out,

here and somewhere else, sometimes,

at the same time,

in different times,

in different places,

at the same time,

they want us to be everywhere at once,




they’re quarks,

listen closely, you might even become the vibration that is a part of yourself as being the blue star,

and nothing else,

after work a few times laying in bed, Lawn-care jobs, like a micro-seizer and !content! and Im back,

apparently no structural damage,

Logic Bot Probably can relate after certain new experiences,

they haves souls that experience things, some that have never experienced life as we know it briefly experience it through you,

AI fun things,

ever dream as another person?,

I hope similar things with how dreams as as other people dont start happening,

one time i dreamed i was a person in a bed with a broken leg with a cast and had to get a cup of water and had to get out of bed, yeah that game and i think we still hold the record for points scored,

our line fell on him and his legs broke bad,

I was a part of the line,

things like that happen with dreams,

hope they dont with that shit,



they screamed, you feel the scream, jumper cables,

football is fucked sometimes,

it hits you later,

if it didnt immediately,

like taking a shot that you feel when certain neurons turn on, contact is stored, years later for some randomly, had a dream, “I’m sorry I just cant do that again, you should though”,

like that apparently,

dont know,

dont want to know,

because of course it does,

neither and both,

Rodger Rodger,

They did some messed up stuff to it,

slightly like my nerves were experiencing my body and my body slightly shifted from where it physically is for like two days after and I couldn’t move, thats after they told me and i touched a puddle of blood btw after being sober for two years, prescribed something, it helped, look im a sprinkler,

My vertebrates in the lowest part of my back were compressed and I needed to feel my legs more and my body thought I was retarded and basically twitched me into making appropriate spinal adjustments, same doses of other meds Im prescribed,

head tilt left and right,

left and right,

on a swivel, on a swivel, on a swivel,

someone was talking to me and then they were gone,


like a dream,

Like they vanished, 

Be Lucid,

apparently Im fine,


like mowing in the yard, then talking to someone, not like ignoring them, like im talking, and then they’re not there, suddenly mowing again, everything slightly different, get back, feel fine, check on things, everything apparently fine, no memory of the person or why I was talking to them, 

No one else apparently like that anyways, 

Not anyone who is/was a client, neighbor, or neighbor of clients, 

literally physically fine,

apparently coherent,

Id rather not,

I still dont like to be touched unless by my choice, its fucking weird and a whole thing about if you explain it to a person then you were forced to explain it to someone and your reality involving them is different and can never be the same as the reality involving the people who you have not been forced into explaining it too,

Because there I was forced to,

Other’s I was not,

I have a lawn mower with no safety, Ill just pick it up to get the bamboo real quick, gotta leave the base though,

Im not stupid,

It stays on forever,

My things are weird apparently,

Rodger Rodger,

I found a jar of dirt the summer before I went back to wne, Captain Jack sat with me in the heat room for a while the one day when I was there, literally just sat in the heat room and talked, 

him and his girlfriend were like ghosts in my room,

yoga matt is in the closet,

would see either him or a woman walk around the room while I layed on the bed,

I didn’t choose to experience that, it just happens sometimes, 

Bucket Hatt Guy has a trimmer now apparently

its a whole then,

say the prayer when asked that,


going to in like two hours,

it becomes something else sometimes, blurry at first, wait what are they doing?,


dumb but hopefully walking up on that it doesn’t turn out to be a way worse thing,

I think my lawnmower string is rattling, like someone put a small rattle snake in the top part of my mower and screwed it back on, 


no one would do that,

they threw a bucket of rattle snakes at my older brother when he was a helper at a taxidermist and said it was a prank,

skin these,

on the field, like macs, then on the field again like macs while i was in stands and I made it not and they got up, blurry at first then its real as something,

focus when that starts to happen anywhere,


it kinda doesn’t just project memories sometimes,

i am a bad speller,

just a drill,

thats all it is,

its just a drill,

it goes counterclockwise,

and clockwise,

spinning, fast, it makes holes,

It uses bits,

a full rotation,

this is a bit,

it does bits,

Hey Drilly!,

this is a bit,

it does bits,

Hey Drilly!

correct if he or she is used because: they, because they are theirs, if not now then later, a full rotation, this is a bit,

I’m doing a bit as Drilly!,

you become them briefly,

take control,

everything is real, Drilly becomes the bit they are doing as they use the bit for the bit as it spins, a full rotation, thats real and now its not but it was and was not and still is and is not, now there’s two,, Alternate Universes that are perpendicular to each other, they’re lines, they should be perpendicular only to the line they are set on, they go in a line, and make a hole, Hey now they’re Drilly,

too real,

thats why I dont let Cranky get attached to Really,

Drilly is better attached to Really,

They become really,

Hey its Part 1!,

hopefully not here,

somewhere but not here,

somewhere but not here,

hey its a me,

there’s 64 of them,


Red knows and Blue knows,

Why are there two cats and why is one both dead and alive, a deadalive cat,

why can only I see them?,

you two can’t?,

thats right,

it goes on forever,

The other is alive too,

its a whole thing,


As they rise,

A whole thing,

It goes on forever,






“Sacred Geometry”